Look. Reflect. Wonder.

Iona: A Thin Space Unleashing the Spirit

Iona Scotland panorama Abbey clouds water views
Panorama view showing the Abbey, lush fields, and water views.
Iona Scotland bird waiting ferry
Iona wren, Waiting for the ferry to dock.
Iona Scotland window view clouds fields
Cup of tea or a walk?
Iona Scotland rainbow sheep fields horizon
Fortunate sheep. So many rainbows, they don’t look up.
Iona Scotland northern view bench grass
The bench placed perfectly for warm chats or wandering thoughts.
Iona Scotland cows coos dark clouds view of Isle of Mull
Highland “coos” abound.
Iona Scotland cloudy day dark island home
Will the sun appear?
Iona Scotland tree hawk resting clouds
The hawk has the best seat in the house.
Iona Scotland rainbow clouds
Never waste a rainbow.
Iona Scotland panorama northern view rainbow clouds
Panorama view of the north end of Iona.
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